photo by Louise Mitchell
Collette McCaslin a.k.a. CJ Borosque is a well known bay area based improviser and noise and modern (and video) artist. Her art is a blending of genres pulling from abstract and avant-garde traditions.
She is considered locally and internationally as a noiscian, and a visual artist whose home is in the underground music of San Francisco. She has preformed at the NorCal Noise fest on several occasions, The Big Sur Experimental Music Festival (2003/04), The Oakland Noise festival and twice at the Spring Reverb experimental music festival in San Diego. Most recently, she played Spring Reverb with the Band "Lords of Outland".
She plays tumpet and analog FX boxes configured in a “no-input” design which allows for the creation of sonic feedback and feedback sounds without the use of a typical sound source... her noise projects are currently created using the electrical signal that is within her gear. She also sometimes plays other various electronics and Instruments: her fascinations include, art, cooking, sound, noise, sculpture (sonic and tactile), Installations, silent films, avant-garde films and videos, modern, impressionist and surrealist art, jazz, world and classical music.
She recently began painting. The media she uses are acrylic, oil pastels, ink and spray paint and sometimes glue. She creates abstract and cartoon inspired images that pull from her interest in modern art and anime as well as from her subconscious imagination. Her colors are vivid and her abstractions are definite works of art, each with a unique story and a unique inspiration. She recently had her first art show at Flux 53 gallery in Oakland and hopes to have many more coming soon.
Her experimental videos "Home" and "Ritual" have been shown in conjunction with experimental music at both the Musicians Union Hall and Luggage Store gallery. She also presented her video "Ritual" at the Chapel of the Chimes, during their solstice exhibit in 2007 that was entitled "from the darkness, solace".
" Borosque's work on no-input pedals is impressively smoking, rusty royalty hoisted to the heavens of mental obnubilation."
- Massimo Ricci, Touching Extremes
"Lots of spastic noise at first and then a harsh noise wall where just as you start to get bored with it she comes back with more spastic noise...a great combo."
- Noisear
"She's also fond of noise, chaos, machine-like repetition, and songs that combine layers of sonic strata to create the sound of machines growing, expanding, and overtaking their surroundings until they collide and destroy each other in gear-stripping, paint-stripping sheets of sound. " - DEAD ANGEL
"C.J. Reaven Borosque’s elecronics adds an apocalyptic deepness and blackness."
- Tokafi
"Borosque is a poet of the modern age." - Frank Rubolino -
"I watched as you shaped in Crystalline Sweetheart, Kafka's Gregor in a new form, female, and more generous in its estimation of itself...capable of dancing, celebrating the discovery of its difference"
Dr. Demetrius Frederich Ké, satrap aka, Dr. Charles Poncé
"C. J. Reaven Borosque has an imposing presence. Her poems are hardly light or delicate. Feel the chaos. Let the waves crash over your head. Absorb every body blow."-Jon Worley, Aiding & Abetting
"Her social critiques and daring efforts have earned her a unique niche between science fiction author and culturally aware poet. - Bradley Torreano,All Music Guide