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CJ Borosque is a San Francisco Bay Area writer, musician, and abstract visual artist. Edgetone is proud to release her first of many books to come of this new genre of poetry entitled, “The Metal Quan Yin”.
In 2000, The Lords of Outland presented a series of new music pieces based on man of her exploratory writings entitled "The Desitinations Suite" in the first season of the SIMM Series in San Fransico. In April of 2002, Edgetone will release an addition to her new book a CD of music written to her works by Rent Romus’ Lords of Outland.
Her new book The Metal Quan Yin, represents a new genre of imaginative and stunningly visual science fiction/fantasy poetry. Borosque will invigorate the imagination. |
"C. J. Reaven Borosque has an imposing presence.
Her poems are hardly light or delicate."
-Jon Worely, Aiding & Abetting
“Her social critiques and daring efforts have earned
her a unique niche between science fiction author and culturally aware poet."
- Bradley Torreano, All Music Guide
"The energies of life are abundant here, & you will
hear the beauty of Reaven's dreams as well as
the screams in her nightmares."
-Rotcod Zzaj, Improvisationation
“I watched as you shaped in Crystalline Sweetheart,
Kafka's Gregor in a new form, female, and more
generous in its estimation of itself...capable of
dancing, celebrating the discovery of its difference”
- Dr. Demetrius Frederich Ké, satrap
aka, Dr. Charles Poncé |
CIVILIZATION- C.J. Reaven Borosque
I am calcified
And rusting metal
Death bleeds backwards
Outside my lungs
Rib-caged steel
And volumes
Of lore stacked
From my feet to my head
All lolling behind the wind
My feet
Down the long passages
Of winding memory
And the wind
Upsurges in my veins
Like a flower
Or a butterfly
Made of carcass oil
Forgotten bones
I trundle down lanes
History has forgotten
Somewhere behind me
Life lies down beneath
Steaming mounds of earth
And grassy hills kissed gently
By sunlight
Somewhere behind me
Discarded remnants
Scattered in the snow
A blizzard of flesh
And cartilage, grinding
To a pasty pulp beneath
My legs
©2001 C.J. Reaven Borosque, All Rights Reserved |