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Buy TheBrutalRealityOfModernBrutality and get Thollem Mcdonas, I'll meet You Half Way Out In the Middle Of it All at an additional $4.00 off Buy Together Today: $21 |
formally WarisTerror TerrorisWar
EDT4075 |
CD $12
Thollem Sickofwar spent hour after hour in Prague writing stacks of sheets of words during the war between Lebanon and Israel in 2006, sick in the head of war. When he arrived in Italy to play eccentriclect and free improv concerts he found himself with 3 days off, a recording studio, an ex-drummer (now saxophonist), an ex-electric bassist (now cellist), an ex-electric guitarist (now everything else), and a terrible beat-up old rickety perfect piano. Thollem wrote some songs in 3 hours using the words he had written several months before, and without teaching them to his new band mates they recorded the first album "TheBrutalRealityOfModernBrutality".
Thollem Sickofwar - beatup piano, vocals
Matteo Bennici - bass, screams
Andrea Caprara - drums, screams
Jacopo Andreini - Guitar, percussions
Megan Baer - vocals
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"The result is a sound that's loose, frantic, and at times utterly demented -- led by Thollem and his furious piano playing, the tracks are wild and unpredictable; bar room singalongs abruptly explode into mutant freejazz complete with tortured wailing, crazed punk rants devolve into atonal fury, untamed percussion and thundering piano crashes are accompanied by stark howls and the occasional guitar bleat." - Bloglines
"...it reminds me a of a Bertold Brecht musical gone awry, which is a definite compliment."
- Jimmy Alvarado, Razorcake
"Beaten-up instruments, muttered vocals, rhythms and keys often disrespected; the exclusive wish is crying out loud that “we can’t do this to ourselves anymore”, as per one of the tracks titles...Bizarrely frank stuff." - Massimo Ricci Temporary Fault
"Waristerror Terroriswar is a collaborative quazi-punk band dedicated to spreading their disgust for war and all activities related to it. They are made up of members with a tremendous amount of experience in a wide variety of musical situations and enjoy the habit of defending their psyches by not taking themselves too seriously." - Succoacido
"Thollem Sickofwar (or, you know, McDonas) revs up his beatup piano and throws down on war. The results are edgy, uneven and sometimes disquieting. All in all, a rollicking success." - J. Worley, Aiding & Abetting
"...Imagine a world without nuclear bombs", repeatedly for nineteen minutes...some of the best music on earth..." - quote from a recent McCain voter