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This is the second full CD release from The Abstractions entitled, ARS VIVENDE (the art of living) exploring music in all its elements foregoing the rules and demolishing walls.
leap obscure heavy metal
interweave jazz avant-garde divorce logic and flux
repel indeterminacy and form -Ernesto Diaz-Infante
Ernesto Diaz-Infante - vocals, words, guitar, guitaint, elec bass, 4-track, ebow drone, turn table
Dina Emerson - voice, words, bells
Phillip Everett - drums, autoharp, percussion
Sandor Finta - voice
Lance Grabmiller - laptop, processing
Bob Marsh - cello, voice, accordion
Jesse Quattro - vocals, words, bells
Alwyn Quebido - electric guitar
Rent Romus - alto, soprano sax flute, voice, perc, toys, CD, Mr. Bunny, zitherod, scream dolls
Stephen Ruiz – turn table sounds
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" Disturbing to a large degree, Ars Vivende (The Art of Living) is an album with burning, hair-raising emotion delivered in no uncertain terms."
- Zak Metz
“…"Ars vivende" is a record that stands in front of any "gentle" aesthetic with the impetus of anger, poverty, rage against the perpetual…Like a Jackson Pollock painting, only splashed with blood, sweat and maybe stomach acids” - Massimo Ricci, Touching Extremes
"...like 100 cars crashing into splinters all at once."- KZSU FM 90.1
"There are no rules and nobarriers here, it's the wildest experimentation you'll get and some of the most abstract and absurd avantgarde experimental music you'll find around." - Marc "the MEMORY Man" Urselli-Schärer - Dark Land Music
“…more daring, more complex, more puzzling…all the more disturbingly brutal…Ars Vivende takes their art much further than before.”
- François Couture All Music Guide
"this music begs the enormous question: where does it go from here and onward in creative improvised music?"- Eduardo Jorge Chagas
“Here we have a couple of totally freaked out people making some of the maddest jazz noise you can imagine.” - Dolf Mulder VITAL WEEKLY
"The Abstractions see life through darkly clouded glasses. Their deviate perceptions polarize expectations and form sides of lovers and haters..."
- Frank Rubolino, All About Jazz
“At times, the album is on an energy level of feral chaos, much like the grindcore experimental work of Brutal Truth, while other times its more droning vocal noise, soundscapish, or just frantic free jazz. In fact, the entire album is pretty much non-stop action, with little in the way of calm musicality.”- Jackalblaster
“Ominous rumblings from an alternate dimension. This is music for those inhabiting the outer realms of reality. If you think you're normal, be afraid. Be very afraid.”- Jon Worley Aiding & Abetting
“While the album is angry and at times anguished, it doesn't become destructive or unmanageably assaultive, rather intense and demanding. And it is worth the effort of listening as a stimulating and engaging work.”
- Jeremy Keens Ampersand Etcetera
"...there is no denying the group's skill in musically setting the disparate elements of their message." - Christian Carey Splendid |