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Rent Romus
pkd vortex project
music inspired by Phil K. Dick
EDT4003 |
CD $12
In 1998 Rent Romus began the Vortex PKD Project first in a series of musical adventures merging the concepts of visionary science fiction with exploratory music. In this early incarnation of the Lords of Outland, Romus' concept of freely improvised "vortex" music draws inspiration from a vast array of science fiction authors such as Phillip K. Dick. Within pop culture reference Mr. Dick's work made movies such as Blade Runner, Total Recall, and Screamers possible. In fact most science fiction from the last sixty years must give credit to this dark master of pulp fiction. The compositions presented reflect the feelings and visuals created by the author translated by Romus and the ensemble into the music set on this early Edgetone release.
vortex music (noun) 1. Free improvisation music reflecting the exploratory nature of science fiction
Doug Carroll-electric cello
Joel Harrison-electric guitar
Dave Mihaly-drums & perc.
Tom Nunn-electro acoustic inventions
Rent Romus-alto/soprano saxes
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"Another killer release from sax shaman Rent Romus, this time it's music inspired by the writings of Phillip K. Dick. Wide-ranging and mind-bending live recordings. Romus should by now be as well-known as David S. Ware or John Zorn, so catch up, comrades." -Cactus, KUSF San Francisco
"As a tribute to the imagination of the "dark master of
pulp fiction," this disc does Dick justice. "
-Nils Jacobson AAJ
"Romus has crafted an appropriately electric program
as an homage to one of the more forward thinking
writers of the genre...this is aggressive, brutal music."
-Robert Iannapollo, Cadence
"...literal human screams, echoing Twilight Zone-style
guitar riffs -- which often sound like an uneasy marriage between lo-fi grunge and arena rock -- plus outer space organ tones which may have migrated over from
Sun Ra's Arkestra. "
-Ken Waxman Jazz Weekly
"an album of uncompromising (and still most
invigorating) music."
-J. Worely Aiding & Abetting
"'PICK' of this issue for 'best conceptual improv
experience of 2001'"
-Rotcod Zzaj, Improvijazzation Nation |