Welcome to LATE NIGHT PHONE CALL: a community gathered around a melody created by vocalist improviser Kattt Atchley. "At the time, it felt like nothing special, just another session. Listening back made me giddy at first, but doubt soon crept in." Encouragement and initial remixes from Kenneth Atchley and Philip Perkins led to the 'Late Night Phone Call' project and inspired Kattt to invite others to participate. This compilation traces the melody through various artist’s reinterpretations, with each piece incorporating tracks from her original recording. Kattt Atchely, greensatan(Kenneth Atchley), Maggi Payne, Barbara Golden, Don Longton, Philip Perkins, Scot Gresham-Lancaster, Brian Reinbolt, Kris Force, Ben Azarm, David Slusser, The Atchleys, Rae Diamond, Gretnoid, John Fabiani, Dan Carbone, and Thom Blum.
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